2021 Microgreen Ideas
Here are a couple of 2021 Microgreen Ideas to get you started in creating your own little gardens. Gardening is a great hobby for people of all ages. You can enjoy gardening at home, the local park, or even in your office if you have one. People get so involved with their garden that they start to take on bigger jobs to help make their gardens more beautiful. You can’t grow anything unless you start with the right amount of sunlight, water, and nutrients.
One way that you can start gardening and benefit from this Food Garden Planning Tool is by planting microgreens. A microgreen is a small bunch of greens, like spinach, or any other small plant that will flower and produce flowers after a very short period of time. The blooms will be small and tiny but with the proper knowledge you can coax the plants to produce large and colorful flowers that will fill your garden with color. When you’re planting microgreens you need to know what to plant, where to plant, and how much you need.
Start by planting the seeds in an area of your garden that receives direct sunlight and gets about seven to eight hours of water every day. This type of area will also be cool in temperature because it will be in direct sunlight most of the time. You don’t want your food planting to shade the rest of your food garden. The seeds that you plant should be planted about one to two inches deep. If you have a trellis or a wall, you can utilize it to support your plant as well.
Choose the size of the microgreen that you will be planting based on the size of your garden. It’s important that the microgreen you choose is in full bloom. If you choose to have them planted on a shrub, make sure that it is going to have enough room to grow to its maximum potential. Most people will choose a variety that is in their flower garden rather than planting one that will grow in their yard. If you do have a lot of space in your yard, go ahead and use it to plant the microgreen.
Once you have selected the plants you want to plant, it’s time to get started. Make sure that your soil is packed and that it has been turned and raked before you start. You also need to make sure that your plants are properly watered. Fill the hole with water until you can see the tops of your plants.
It’s important that you make sure that each plant that you plant is getting the amount of sun that they need. There’s no sense in planting a microgreen that you won’t get the sunlight to grow. Make sure that each plant has at least six hours of good sunlight. During midday there will be lots of warm rays for your microgreen. When nighttime comes, your plant will need to absorb as many of those rays as possible. It’s important that you make sure that you have turned the fertilizer that you are putting on your soil correctly.
Another thing that you should remember is to make sure that you’re planting your food crops on a wayside basis. That means you should make planting day a couple of days ahead of time. This way when you go to pull them out of the ground, they’ll be nice and ripe. The best time to plant your food crops is in late Spring or early Summer. This is also the most harvest-friendly season of the year.
These are just a few of the great tips and tricks that you can use to ensure that your food crops get the proper growing environment they need. So don’t let growing food take over your life. Take a little bit of time to plant your food in and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Good luck!