How to Grow Microgreens Without Soil at Home

Are you interested in how to grow microgreens at home? If you are, then you must be ready to learn a lot of new things. Aside from the fact that this kind of plant looks gorgeous, it has a number of advantages over other types of plants. For example, growing microgreens is easier than most other plants. However, if you are not sure how to grow microgreens at home, then you can read on.

Microgreens were introduced to the market about 40 years ago by a Japanese plant farmer. He noticed that the tiny black and white flowers of the plant exude a strong odor. To get rid of this odor, he used water. He also noticed that these tiny flowers smell sweeter when he watered them with distilled water. Thus, he came up with the idea of making a plant drink out of water.

When it comes to growing microgreens, the first thing that you have to do is to buy an artificial plant pot. Artificial pots are cheaper than wooden ones and you will find this a great investment. After buying the artificial pot, make sure to line it with drainage material. The reason why you want to line the pot is because it will help the plant to absorb more water and nutrients from its growing medium.

The next thing that you have to do is to line the base of the microgreen container with an inch of gravel. In addition to making sure that the gravel is lined, you also need to use gravel that matches the color of your pot. Since the microgreens are going to absorb a lot of water, it is important that you have lots of water. Keep in mind that the more water that your plant gets, the better its growth and development will be. Try to use water that is room temperature.

You need to add compost to the bottom of the pot. Compost will help your plants retain moisture so that they can grow properly. As for the fertilizer, you can use manure that you have gotten from your animals. However, make sure that you only use manure that comes from healthy animals. If you have any doubts on how to get your own compost, you can go to your local garden store and ask for advice.

Once your plant starts growing roots, the top of the growing medium should already be covered with gravel. Microgreens can grow quite fast, so it is important that you keep them contained. If you are going to plant more than one type of micro green, then dig the holes on separate levels so that each type of microgreen has room to grow. This will also ensure that you don’t crowd your plants when you plant them.

Your plants won’t actually grow if the soil is dry. This is why you need to water them often. When the weather is dry, the roots can’t absorb the water that the plant needs in order to grow. Microgreens will only grow well if you give them enough water. Make sure that you plant them in good soil that is not too rich in nutrients. Your goal is to provide them with the nutrients that they need in order for them to grow and develop properly.

One of the most important aspects of growing microgreens is making sure that they are exposed to direct sunlight. The best way to do this is to plant them on a raised bed. This will allow them to receive the sun that they need as long as it is not too strong. Too much sunlight can actually harm your plants, so make sure that they don’t get too much. If you want to learn how to grow microgreens without soil at home, these are some of the things that you will need to keep in mind.