Microgreens Are Easy to Grow

Microgreens are seed-like plants that grow about one to two inches a day. These small plants require very little attention, so they are perfect for anyone who has trouble with caring for perennials. The plant usually produces flowers and seeds at the same time, so microgreens often produce an abundance of seeds in a short amount of time.

Another good reason to grow microgreens is their versatility. Because they are quite small, they can be grown almost anywhere, including the top of the garden or the ground. These are also easy to care for; most people just give them water and fertilizer and they thrive.

Most microgreens do not need to be fertilized. They only require regular fertilization during the growing season, as well as feeding for seed production. Fertilize in late summer, fall or winter. A good way to do this is to add organic compost to the soil.

Soil that has been treated with compost will absorb the nutrients that the microgreens provide. Using this method, the microgreens will have all the nutrients they need, but the decomposition process will be slowed down, allowing the microgreens to retain moisture and nutrients. As they decompose, they release water and nutrients into the soil.

Seeds from microgreens should be added to the compost after they have been watered. For plants that are dormant at the end of the growing season, the seeds should be allowed to remain in the compost. A deep, light layer of compost is usually best, but if there is not enough, you can use a shallow layer.

Most plants that grow in the compost are used by the plant, rather than taken up by the root system. This means that all of the plant material becomes part of the compost. Forthis reason, a good compost will turn quickly. This makes composting a good option for seed starting because it will usually be ready to sow in a matter of days.

Since microgreens do not require much attention, you can harvest the plant in a few weeks. Many people like to use them in salads or salad greens, but they also make a great addition to vegetables. In fact, lettuce and spinach can become very colorful when it comes to colors when they are grown in a compost that has had microgreens planted in it.

Both small and large gardens can use microgreens, and the gardener’s needs will depend on the style of gardening. If you are looking for something to grow in the ground, consider microgreens. They provide many benefits and are easy to maintain.