Which is Healthier Sprouts Or Microgreens?

With the recent popularity of organic sprouts, it may seem that they are healthier than their non-organic counterparts. This assumption could not be further from the truth. While many consumers have become aware and comfortable with the thought of consuming organically grown foods, not all consumers know which are healthier sprouts or microgreens. The purpose of this article is to shed some light on the differences between these two products so that you can decide for yourself which to grow in your garden.

One of the first differences between healthier sprouts and microgreens is the source of their roots. Healthy sprouts are obtained from young shoots and young leaves that are still covered with a protective layer of soil. Microgreens, on the other hand, come from mature leaves and stems. To ensure the freshest and highest quality crop, it is important that the sprouts have the best roots. If they are harvested before the plant has developed roots, they are often referred to as “fresh sprouts.”

There are additional differences between organic sprouts and microgreens as well. One of them relates to shelf life. With organic micro greens and organic sprouts, there is no need to store them for longer than a day or two at a time. If you desire a larger amount of fresh vegetables, you would be better served by eating them the very same day they are purchased.

Another difference between organic sprouts and microgreens relates to storage. Organic vegetables and fruits are very sensitive to heat and storing them requires a lot more attention than with their non-organic counterparts. A good rule of thumb is never refrigerate organic sprouts or fruits after they have been cut or sliced. They should be kept in the refrigerator for a minimum of three days. Should they be stored for an extended period of time, they should be removed from the shelves altogether and taken out into the cold weather.

In terms of taste, many people tend to favor organic sprouts over their non-organic counterparts because they are able to retain a higher level of flavor. This is not the case with organically grown produce, which is generally devoid of flavor due to lack of pesticides. If you find yourself consuming a wide range of organic vegetables, chances are you are growing them yourself. If this is the case, you may prefer the taste of organic sprouts over those grown conventionally.

Which is healthier sprouts or microgreens? The healthiest option for your family is likely going to be the type that they consume themselves. If you would prefer to help your family stay fit and healthy without taking on the task of growing your own fresh produce, purchasing certified organic sprouts is certainly the way to go.