What Are the Health Benefits of Microgreens?
What are the health benefits of microgreens? This perennial garden plant comes from the root of a tree with the word “micro” meaning small. This makes them a “greener” choice for your gardening needs than other plants that require more water and maintenance. What are the health benefits of microgreens? Planting these types of vegetables is good for your heart because they are a low-calorie solution to high-calorie foods that provide you with lots of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
The benefits of microgreens are not only for your heart though. They offer other health benefits as well including: reduced risk of colon cancer, reduced risk of asthma, reduced risk of osteoporosis, reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease, reduced risk of arthritis and Alzheimer’s disease, and improved circulation and digestion. These leafy vegetables are low in fat and grease making them easy to digest which helps them work well as a weight loss food.
How are microgreens harvested? Most of the microgreens you find in supermarkets come from clippings of the plant. Some, however, come from the entire leaves like a salad dressing. Microgreens do not have nectar so when they are picked, the leaves must be discarded. However, the leaves still contain much of the nutrients and minerals the plant would have if it were picked while alive.
What are the container options for growing microgreens? The best choice for a container is a small shallow pot since the tiny plants will need just enough water to survive. The leaves like to have direct sunlight but you should never go over 60 degrees with direct sunlight since this can burn them.
What are the other health benefits of this superfood? Antioxidants help fight off free radicals that cause disease. They also help boost the immune system and reduce the risk of heart disease. Antioxidants also provide other benefits such as reducing the symptoms of arthritis. Studies show leafy greens contain significant amounts of Vitamins A, C and E as well as beta carotene and other powerful antioxidants.
What are the other benefits of this leafy green? As you can see, there are lots! Aside from weight loss, the other benefits include reduced risk of colon cancer, reduced risk of stroke, reduced risk of diabetes, reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease and increased longevity. The other phytonutrients that are found in leafy greens and most other vegetables are like calorie and nutrient control and anti-aging.