Would it Better to Grow Microgreens in Water Or Soil?

One of the questions that I get asked a lot from microgreen gardeners, home gardeners and those who are more experienced with growing plants, “Is it better to grow microgreens in water or soil?” Microgreens are very small, oval-shaped green plants that come from the same species as cucumbers, beets and even bee balm. These succulents are very easy to grow because they are low maintenance and tolerate most of the conditions that are present on your garden soil, whether that is rich in nitrogen, light or moisture. So, if you’re a beginner or a simple gardener, growing microgreens in water is an option that I encourage you to consider, especially if you have access to a large amount of water in your garden.

There are a few reasons why I suggest growing microgreens in water, but first let me explain what they are. Microgreens are typically consumed raw and can be eaten by you right out of your hand without any waiting. This is because they are organically certified raw food, so they are safe for consumption even at the time of eating. However, there are some people who are concerned about eating food that comes straight from the ground and would rather have them prepared properly instead.

For these people, growing microgreens in water is a great option. The reason I suggest this is because microgreens don’t require the soil to be extremely rich in nutrients to thrive. So, they’re very easy to grow and yield well even if you do not have the proper nutrient rich soil. In fact, by making the soil slightly acidic by adding either baking soda or lime, you can quickly introduce alkalinity into the soil and help the microgreens thrive.

Another benefit of growing microgreens in water is that they will help regulate your pH levels. By making the water slightly alkaline, your soil can begin to balance itself out and the microgreens can take root. You should notice an increase in health as the bacteria feed upon the waste in your body and begins to break down the waste. Since microgreens contain a wide range of minerals, the more alkaline water you add, the more beneficial they will be to your health.

Finally, growing microgreens in water is more appealing because they can be planted at any time, regardless of whether they are in season or not. If you want them now, you can grab them and water them right then and there. If you want them later in the day, just place them in a warm shallow glass of water with a lid over them until they are ready to go into your salad.

When it comes down to it, microgreens are a fantastic addition to any diet. The fact that they taste great, are nutrient dense and help to regulate your pH makes them a fantastic addition to any diet. However, they do require some special attention to their growth and the way they are harvested. If you want to grow a full harvest of healthy microgreens that are full of benefits for your body, be sure to have a properly maintained water source for harvesting your plants. Then when you want them, you will be able to enjoy fresh new tasting vegetables for all of your meals.