A New Leaf for a Healthy Kitchen
Are microgreens a superfood? Is this new trend in healthy eating a big trend or a sustainable development? We all know that vegetables are good for us but have you tried microgreens? We have all heard about them being a superfood and even seen them used in ads but are microgreens real food that can help you lose weight? We will discuss some of the benefits related to eating these little gems.
Benefits of Micro Greens Are They a Superfood? Chia Microgreens was considered as an alternative medicine for centuries because of their high water content, which helps the body to digest fats faster. They contain high amounts of calcium, iron, potassium, zinc and magnesium which help balance the pH levels of your body. These can be grown naturally by soaking dry coconut coir in water for 24 hours, straining the seeds out of the coconut shell, drying them and then eating or drinking the solution. The best place to grow these is in a raised bed garden, this will ensure that the nutrients are spread out evenly. Chia seeds can also be added to your smoothies, cereal or oatmeal.
Benefits of Planting Microgreens Are They a Superfood? There are many benefits of planting microgreens but first let’s look at how to do it. There are two methods that can be used for planting these little beauties, either by seed or by planting trays. If you are planting seeds then make sure that you get the right ones, there are different types such as Blue Top, Black Top, Pink Top, White & Red hybrids etc. These come in various colors and are very beautiful and look great in salads, cereals, fruit based deserts and mini pizzas.
You can plant microgreens from seed, there are many brands available but I would advise you to go for organic varieties, ensure that they are certified and come with a certificate. Another important factor to remember is that these should not be over-watered, if the space you have is small then choose varieties that do not require a lot of space to space ratio. One fun way to plant these is in raised beds, they are easy to maintain and provide good levels of micronutrients at all times. The key to any successful growing process is regular watering, the more frequent the better, ensure that the soil is always moist enough for healthy growing conditions. For optimum levels of microgreens nutrition add about 20 drops of Liquid Aloe Vera to each gallon of water.
Benefits of Planting Microgreens Are They a Superfood? If you are going to answer this question using your head than I suggest starting a discussion with your local gardening shop associate or an authority in home garden crops, the reality is that we just don’t know it yet. It has only been in the last decade that extensive research has started on the subject and new evidence is being gathered every day. The seeds for planting microgreens are just as hard to find as the varieties themselves. Until recently it was believed that they were a fungus and therefore not suitable for planting in the vegetable crisper, this was until recent research revealed that they are actually a plant known as Calendula Officinalis.
The Benefits of Microgreens Are Great, They Are Micro Greens So How Can They Benefit You? The first benefit of planting microgreens is that they are very easy to grow, even for beginners. There are no special growing requirements other than that they require a warm sunny location. Other than that, you can simply plant them in the same place every time you feel that they are getting too tall for their space.
There are some considerations that you need to take when planting microgreens, namely that your seed tray should be slightly larger than the actual seeds. You should also plan to plant a tray that has holes at the bottom, because it allows air to get to the seeds. Also you should make sure that the tray is placed directly onto a kitchen bench or table top so that the water does not splash into the food.
Is Microgreens a Superfood? If you have not tasted the delicious and nutritious seeds that you can grow yourself, then you will never know what you are missing. Not only are they filling and satisfying, but they are also good for your health and great for the environment. In order to enjoy a healthy diet and a bright green lawn, you do not need to buy organic vegetables, grow your own seeds and watch your plants grow!