Are Microgreens Good For You And Your Family?

Are microgreens good for you? A lot of people have never heard of them, but this new green-tingling food is starting to take the world by storm. Microgreens are vegetables that are packed with vitamins and minerals, while at the same time being easy to grow at home.

What are microgreens? Microgreens are small, round green veggies that are as small as red pepper or broccoli. They are packed full of different types of antioxidants. The number one antioxidant they contain is beta carotene, which is responsible for giving foods such as carrots and red peppers their yellow hue.

Now, let’s get down to how you can reap the benefits of eating microgreens. They are easy to grow, especially compared to other vegetables. Since they are filled with antioxidants, a daily serving of microgreens provides you with over 500 extra calories of vitamin C. Another vitamin C supplement you might consider taking is Vitamin C powder, which provides a higher level of the vitamin than a regular capsule. While a vitamin C tablet may be convenient, it takes a little longer to absorb into your system. And we all know that when you take a vitamin supplement, it should be taken consistently every day.

But how are microgreens good for you? One of the biggest benefits to consuming them is that they are easy to prepare. You can put them on top of salads, in a veggie tray, on top of raw pasta, or inside a baked potato. You can even use them in a creamy cheese sauce for a tasty meal. When you use microgreens for a raw veggie treat, you can make sure you are getting the vitamins and nutrients you need without any excessive fat, salt or sugar.

The reason why microgreens are good for you has to do with the way they are prepared. In order to get the most benefit from the vitamins contained in the vegetable, it is best if you dry them before using them. This allows the nutrients and antioxidants to absorb fully into the bloodstream. Dry microgreens retain only about 25 percent of their antioxidant strength when they are placed in a dry container. If you want to receive the maximum health benefit from a single serving of these vegetables, you should rinse them very well after washing and drizzling with olive oil or butter.

Drying is also important because microgreens are known to store a lot of water when they are growing. When they are being grown in your garden, there is an excess of moisture in the soil. If the microgreens are not allowed to dry out, they will not have adequate storage space for the nutrients they contain. It is important that you allow the vegetables to dry out completely before using them.

Are microgreens good for you? There are a number of people who claim that consuming them on a regular basis will benefit your health. Some experts warn that women who are nursing or trying to become pregnant should not consume red cabbage microgreen because it may interfere with the formation of implantation. However, studies have not shown any negative effects related to microgreens except for some patients with gastrointestinal problems. These people were either on a special low-fat diet or had low iron levels in their body at the time of testing.

While these plants are safe for most people, pregnant or nursing women should check with their doctor before consuming microgreens. Some studies have shown that lettuce and other green vegetables may lower blood pressure and have positive health benefits for diabetics. Although microgreens do have several positive benefits, they are still considered a root crop and therefore should be consumed in their original state. Check the USDA nutritional facts panel to find a list certified as a root crop.