Are Microgreens Healthier Than Vegetables?

Are microgreens healthier than vegetables grown organically? This is an interesting question, especially in the context of eating organic vegetables. Microgreens, also known as true greens or true green vegetables, are smaller and darker in color than traditional vegetables, and some studies have shown that eating microgreens can actually be good for you!

Most people know that vegetables grown organically do not contain any pesticides or harmful growth hormones. Some people have grown concern over how food is grown, especially over food that has been genetically modified. It is true that vegetables grown with high levels of chemicals can indeed be unhealthy for you. However, studies show that most people would be better off eating vegetables grown organically, as they contain the same or even more vitamins and minerals.

The main concern over microgreens is that they have a small amount of vitamins and other nutrients. While many studies have shown that there are some benefits to growing microgreens, others have proven that it is not healthy to do so. Why? Because microgreens lack vitamin C and potassium, which are two nutrients essential to human health. For this reason, consuming too many microgreens will actually leave you feeling sick. So while it is true that they lack some nutrients, eating enough of them will provide your body with other important nutrients necessary to remain healthy.

Another concern regarding microgreens is their darker color. Many people believe that because these vegetables are smaller in size, they are bad for you. While this may be true for larger vegetables grown organically, these types of vegetables also lack the amount of nutrients such as iron that is needed by the body. However, it should be noted that eating microgreens has the opposite effect. Since microgreens contain more iron and other vitamins, eating them actually helps to improve your health. Plus, if you happen to like a dark colored vegetable, you will probably enjoy them even more!

Finally, many people wonder why microgreens are called “micro”. When viewed from afar, it can appear that these vegetables lack significant amounts of actual vegetables when compared to other vegetables grown using conventional farming methods. However, these veggies are actually grown in much larger quantities than traditional vegetables. Therefore, it is possible to eat a wide variety of different vegetables grown organically with only a few additional vegetables growing in the ground.

So, are microgreens healthier than vegetables grown conventionally? While there are pros and cons to growing microgreens, it is ultimately up to you to decide what is best for your family. Consider starting your family on a trip to your local farm market to start. Then as you find more success with growing your own vegetables, you will be able to enjoy large salads without the guilt!