Are Microgreens Healthier Than Vegetables?
Microgreens sprouts that are loaded with all kinds of natural nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. In addition to having more fiber than regular sprouts, they are packed with a number of other benefits. For one thing, unlike regular sprouts, they have zero calories, and they are low in salt and fat. They are also grown using organic methods, so you know they contain no chemicals or pesticides. Here are some reasons why eating microgreens healthier is a good idea.
The reason why microgreens are healthier for you comes right from the seed. Unlike other types of sprouts, which must be germinated before you can enjoy the nutritious seeds, microgreens come directly from the mature plants. Once the plant matures, it doesn’t send out roots until it is ready to sprout its seeds. You therefore have to wait until the mature plants are ready to produce seeds before harvesting them. When they are pulled from the plants, their seeds are ready to go into your sprouts.
How can this make them healthier? The healthier the seeds are, the healthier they are for you. Since microgreens are still seeds, they are not full of harmful chemicals like most other sprouts. This means that they will not interfere with your diet in any way. In fact, studies show that the sprouts will not even trigger your body’s natural response to cholesterol levels. Sprouts from wheatgrass and alfalfa are both considered to be cholesterol-reducing.
One of the biggest perks of growing microgreens is that they require very little attention or care once they are in bloom. You just have to ensure that you sprout them regularly. If you want to have a continuous supply of seeds, it is best if you sow a continuous seed bed. When you are growing them organically, you do not have to worry about fertilizing and monitoring the germination process since these are controlled by nature itself.
The microgreens that come from organically grown seeds are guaranteed to grow very fast. As fast as two weeks after being germinated. Just ensure that you take them out of their pots on fourteen days to maximize their germination potential. However, keep in mind that if they are left in the pots for fourteen days, they may no longer germinate. Also, you should make sure that the pots are well ventilated so that excess moisture does not accumulate on the roots.
Microgreens also come in different varieties. You can find them being sold in supermarkets as fresh sprouts. However, you can also find them being prepared as supplements. Some people even prepare them as juice. However, their nutritional content can still be compromised because they lack vitamin A and other nutrients that are usually found in fruits.
You can also get microgreens as a form of a supplement. If you want greater health benefits from them, then you can use this as a source of your daily vitamin intake. For a recommended dosage of a single micro green, you can use one teaspoon in water. Do not use it as a regular drink because its flavor will be greatly reduced. You can simply chew it into tiny pieces and mix it with any liquid you like.
So why would you want to consider planting microgreens? Aside from getting the great taste of these colorful sprouts, you also get the added benefit of living healthy. This is because micro greens are rich in essential nutrients such as beta carotene, iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. They are also high in fiber, vitamins B and C, and several other minerals. The best part is that you can grow your own without having to buy seeds or spend tons of money on growing plants that do not yield well.