Are Microgreens High in Oxalates? – An Important Question to Ask

You may have noticed that when you are eating foods like avocados and carrots that they are slightly pinkish in color. This is because they contain a chemical known as oxalate. Microgreens are very similar. However, they are made from a different kind of natural plant. This article will explain why eating microgreens can help prevent the development of kidney stones.

Are microgreens high in oxalates? The oxalate (one of several naturally occurring organic compounds that are part of plants) that is found in high levels in most fruits and vegetables are very bad for your health. These compounds are usually produced by fruits and vegetables during growth. They are necessary for the growth of the plants but they are toxic to humans. Ingesting them over time can cause anemia and related symptoms. In general, avoiding foods that are high in oxalates can help prevent this problem.

How are microgreens high in calcium? The calcium in the microgreens is different than in other vegetables. Most vegetables contain only one type of calcium. If you eat too many fruits and vegetables in a day you will get very little of the calcium that is in them. It is recommended that anyone eating micro greens and other leafy green vegetables take in about 500mg of calcium per day.

Why are microgreens high in oxalates? Oxalates are a component of the fertilizer that is added to lawns in order to make them more fertile. Most lawns across North America have become less healthy over the last hundred years due to pollution and the use of more chemical fertilizers. These chemicals can cause the soil to lose a lot of nutrients and can alter the bioavailability of nutrients that the plants need to grow. This can cause problems as well as calcium deficiencies.

What can you do about it? Eating leafy greens is one way to ensure that you are getting a sufficient supply of calcium. Green leafy vegetables are high in soluble fiber and this will help to ensure that you are getting a regular supply of the mineral. You can also use a low-calorie diet to help lower your blood sugar.

Why are microgreens high in oxalates? Oxalates are formed when you eat an apple. They are found in much larger amounts in chocolate and coffee also. Although they are not high in calories, when taken in excess they can cause an increase in blood pressure. As with calcium, oxalates can be toxic to the kidneys and increase the risk of kidney stones.

What can you do about it? You should try to avoid processed foods as much as possible and choose to buy unprocessed items whenever possible. This can include leafy green vegetables. If you must buy processed foods you should look for those that are low in sodium content and high in potassium content. If you are on a low sodium diet then you should try to find products that are low in salt as well. It is often difficult to avoid these foods, but eating unprocessed produce like kale and lettuce is a good way to ensure that you are getting a sufficient amount of calcium without consuming an excessive amount of oxalate.

Another question that may be asked is “are microgreens high in oxalates?”. The answer to this is that while there is a definite correlation between magnesium and oxalate levels, they are not directly related. High levels of either mineral can increase the risk of developing kidney stones but levels of the other are not related enough to make a significant difference. Your best bet is to check with your doctor who will be able to advise you on the best approach to taking your diet.