Are Microgreens Just Sprouts Of Green Leaves?
If you have been wondering, are microgreens just sprouts of leaves? In this article we will look at the facts about these wonderful plants. Discover the facts and get to enjoy delicious and healthy food grown right in your very own garden.
Microgreens are actually a family of related plants. These plants belong to the same group of plants as daisies and rocket, but unlike these other plants they do not grow on their own. They need an extra bit of care in order to grow and produce a tasty and colorful harvest.
Microgreens are members of the cabbage family. The plants grow on stalks similar to common cabbage. They also have small long leaves that are used for sucking up nutrients. The leaves contain chlorophyll, which is the nutrient-packed liquid that is responsible for giving plants their green color.
There are two types of leaves the first one contains no chlorophyll and the second one does. It is the chlorophyll contained in the second type that supplies the plants with all of their needed nutrients. These plants are safe for animals and people to eat. The plant is safe to plant anywhere it will not be exposed to too much moisture. This would be a good place to grow them if you live in a dry area.
One thing you should consider before purchasing microgreens is how quickly these plants grow. They do not grow very fast and therefore it is important that you purchase them in bulk amounts. It is also nice to know that they will produce fresh and tasty vegetables each and every time you are ready to eat. These plants will produce enough for you to have plenty of delicious veggies to eat without any waste.
Microgreens are extremely easy to maintain. They can be easily maintained by clipping the top portion of the leaf to remove the dead leaf that is preventing the rest of the leaves from absorbing the nutrients. When cutting the plant to make sure you don’t cut too far above the level of the soil or else the root ball may be damaged. If you are growing more than enough for your family you can simply save the rest for later.
There are several different ways of growing microgreens including hydroponic or in the ground like all other vegetables. It is up to you to learn which one works best for your family. Just be sure to follow all of the guidelines for proper nutrients so your microgreens get everything they need to grow and produce healthy, delicious foods.
The next time you think about what are microgreens just sprouts of real food? Try to remember how much better you feel when you eat fresh whole food instead of store bought junk food. Investing in a quality garden tool set is the first step toward having a successful garden. A sharp knife is important to make sure you don’t cut yourself when cutting into your crops. Once you have learned how to take care of your garden and started planting, you won’t see your plants getting sick ever again.
There are many reasons why people choose to grow microgreens instead of buying them already grown. The first reason is cost. They are much cheaper than purchasing a bag of seeds at the local co-op. If you do have a good growing soil, then growing your own veggies is almost completely free. Even if you are a beginner you can easily get your feet wet and start enjoying the health benefits of fresh vegetables right away.
Another reason is convenience. Microgreens are easy to store once you have thawed them out. You can put them in a plastic container and store them in the fridge until you are ready to use them. Or you can put them on your countertop and pick them up when you’re ready to cook dinner. They won’t spoil and they are fresh to eat!
Microgreens are very easy to make as well. It is really just like cooking. You add some water, a little bit of sugar or honey (depending on which type you like) and then throw everything into a blender. At that point you have a delicious and easy to drink smoothie. You can also add in a few other items like fresh fruit, nuts, yogurt, or even vanilla.
When you are eating the fruits or vegetables that you chose, don’t worry about making it look like a treat. They are still green and nutritious. They will still taste good. The important part is that you are eating real, natural, wholesome food. When you combine this with the fact that you can drink a nice cold bottle of juice and not have to worry about whether or not it’s spoiled, you have an amazing product.