Bean Sprout Micro Greens – A Great Alternative to Commercial Bean Sprouts

Microgreens are a delicacy like no other. It starts as a bean, grown in a garden to be consumed raw or cooked. It grows as tall as a spade and has a green, purple or blue color. The flowers have a purple dew-like scent. Bean sprouts are known for their edible spore size of five millimeters.

Bean sprouts have been grown in gardens for millions of years, and they continue to be cultivated around the world. They are an important ingredient of Chinese cooking and of Italian soups. The bean sprouts contain an enzyme called zea Mays which is responsible for the beans’ ability to grow into sprouts. The sprouts are the by-product of another species, the beanpole, which is eaten as a vegetable in some parts of Africa. The seed inside the bean can be used as a source of protein in the case of animal protein allergies or other dietary concerns.

The bean sprouts themselves are very nutritious, but the enzymes they contain are also good for your body. Some evidence suggests that eating bean sprouts, either raw or cooked, can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Another study says the bean sprouts might lower blood pressure and help prevent atherosclerosis. It’s all possible because the beta-carotene found in them seems to protect cells from damage.

The bean sprouts themselves are a delicacy. The tiny red blossoms are enjoyed by children and adults alike and have been a staple of the eastern/oriental diet for many thousands of years. There are many different types of growing microgreens. These can include lettuce, radishes, turnips, bok choy and edamame. The sprouts themselves go by many names, including pole beans, pole bean sprouts, pole bean tops, pole beans tender, pole beans curly, pole bean compactions and mung beans.

Microgreen growing is a process that has been around for centuries. This ancient technique continues to be used today, despite the advent of herbicides and pesticides. The use of natural herbicides is discouraged because they can be as harmful as, if not more, than chemically engineered chemicals. Spraying poison on crops causes the soil to become unfit for growing edible plants. It also damages the delicate roots of the plants, causing them to wither and die. In extreme cases, the spraying of poison destroys the entire crop and will have to be replanted from start to finish.

In contrast, growing microgreens without the use of chemical herbicides is less harmful to the environment. You’ll find that there is less water used because you don’t have to wait for the soil to dry before you spray your plants. For anyone who is worried about their family’s safety, it is good to know that sprouting bean sprouts has very few risks. They are safe, taste great, and work well in most types of recipes. Many people choose to sprout their own beans for this very reason. It is a healthier option, which can help you avoid adding extra chemicals to your diet.

There are different varieties of bean sprouts, all good for different tastes. Microgreens are very mild and versatile, growing well in a number of different types of dishes. They can be added right into salads, or with soups or other main courses. You can even create tasty snacks by sprouting your own beans. Nuts and seeds make an excellent snack option, especially when you dress them up with some fresh salsa.

As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to consider growing your own beans with a bean sprout kit. The sprouts are easy to grow, taste great, and offer numerous benefits. Try experimenting with your favorite recipes today! Sprout your beans and get started enjoying delicious healthy foods in no time at all!