Best Beet Microgreens Growing For Your Recipes
Beets are fast becoming one of America’s favorite vegetables. For the first time ever, beets are being offered in grocery stores across the country and around the world. And with new recipes and popular television shows, more people than ever are interested in eating microgreens, while they can and starting today!
Beets are ideal growing plants for any vegetable gardener. Small as some people believe them to be, they actually can grow quite well under the average light conditions most home gardens encounter. Microgreens are so small that you can easily plant them using common pots or grow systems at home! Growing microgreens is simple, requiring little room, time, and effort; allowing you and your family to watch the wonder of small seeds growing into an amazing and healthy snack within just a matter of weeks.
Many beginning gardeners wonder if planting beets in potting soil will make them too small. The fact is, no matter how small the container is where you are planting your new crop, you are going to end up with an amazing result. The small size of the beets means that they will grow very quickly and look their best. They will continue to look great for up to two years, making it very easy to maintain and hassle free. In addition, because beets are a herb, they are very easy to incorporate into your existing cooking routine, adding flavor without much extra work.
Before you plant your microgreens, it is very important that you use the correct soil type. While you can go out and purchase and appropriate fertilizer when you begin planting, this is often not enough for an open pollinated garden. In order to guarantee that your plant grows as well as it can, it is very important that you follow a planting mix guide.
All herb seeds sprouts will require similar growing conditions in order for them to grow properly. Because microgreens are so small, they will not be able to absorb the necessary nutrients to ensure their growth. Therefore, your best choice for growing these colorful sprouts is to cultivate them in an organic fertilizer. There are many options to choose from, including chemical fertilizers, but the best option for growing your microgreenst is the organic variety. Chemical fertilizers can often damage the roots of your plants as well as the leaves and stems, which will affect your harvest. Organic fertilizers are made from all natural ingredients, such as manure from local farms, which is free of chemicals and harmful additives.
To ensure that you have an excellent crop of healthy and colorful microgreens, it is important that they are planted in the right location. Since microgreens grow very fast, it is necessary to plant them as early in the spring as possible. When trying to determine where to plant them, look for areas that receive a lot of sunlight throughout the day. This will ensure that your growing microgreens get the most sun exposure possible. Another thing to consider is the moisture content of the soil.
If the soil lacks moisture, your microgreens will be unable to grow properly. Make sure to add a lot of water to the area you are planting your microganies. Microgreens will grow best if you select a sunny location with approximately an inch of water per week. If you are growing more than one leaf at a time, it is recommended that you use approximately an inch of water per week for them to grow properly.
When you have finally managed to get your beet sprouts to grow, be careful not to water them too much. They need to have just enough water to survive, but water is crucial for them to continue to grow and thrive. Beet microgreens can be used in a variety of recipes including salads, boiled vegetables, meat and cheese. The rich taste of these tender little seeds adds a great flavor to all recipes that are made with eggs or cooked with vegetables.