Can You Freeze Microgreens Seeds? What You Need to Know First

If you are interested in trying something new for your salad, why not try can you freeze microgreens seeds? A new trend in salad growing has emerged and it is a delicious and healthy treat that has quickly taken over the market. The microgreens are the lettuce type of plant and they have now been making appearances in a lot of different places around the United States and even in other countries as well. Microgreens are not like regular spinach and they have a lot more flavor. They are smaller too, which makes them great to use in larger quantities over the entire salad.

What can you freeze microgreens seeds? There are actually a couple of options that can be considered if you are interested in getting the seeds. One option is to actually have some fresh micro greens on hand and save them for later. This can be done through a variety of ways. You could save the seeds to a separate container or you could simply get the seeds from a microgreen that has been sitting around in your fridge for a while.

Another way that can you freeze microgreens seeds is to actually place them in your freezer. This will work if you buy the seeds from a store that offers this service. If you have fresh micro greens on hand then this might be the best option for you to consider, but if you are growing them yourself then there are also some steps that you can take to ensure that you are getting the freshest possible variety. Just be sure to follow all directions carefully so that you don’t end up with berries instead of microgreens.

You will need to make sure that the seeds you are going to use are sterile. This means that you will need to either wash them before you seed them or pop them into a clean glass of water with some air still left in it. If you are using fresh seeds then this will work quite well but if you are simply buying them at a seed store then you should be sure that they are completely dry before you put them in the refrigerator. This will prevent mold from forming.

If you are looking to know can you freeze microgreens seeds, you will have to know how to preserve them properly. This means that they will have to go into a dry area and stay there until they are completely dry. This will not take long and in many cases you can put them right into your food processor or you can put them directly into your freezer until they are frozen.

As far as the taste goes, they are fairly mild. You will probably only want to use them if you are having a salad made with them. You can also sprinkle them onto your yogurt and consume them that way. You will just want to ensure that you use natural probiotics and not the kind that you get in the bottle at the grocery store.

Once you have finished planting them then you will want to cover them tightly with a plastic covering. This is so that they do not spoil. When you want to eat them then just open up the bag and take a good look at it. If it looks like it has gone bad then it probably has. This does not happen very often, so you should leave them alone for now.

Now that you have been given the answer to the question can you freeze microgreens seeds, you are ready to get started. Make sure that you have covered the seeds in the plastic container and that they are completely covered before you seal the lid. Just leave them in a dark place for about two weeks before you are ready to eat.