Category Archives: Microgreens

What Is Cabbage Growing MicroGreens?

Cabbage microgreens, also known as cabbage greens, are flat, unbroodable, short stems that normally measure around 2 inches. Microgreens are a relative of kale and chard, but their leaves are devoid of the typical kale-like leaf pattern. These plants were first cultivated in Eastern Europe, primarily as an alternative to kale. A quick trip to…

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Are Microgreens Healthier Than Vegetables?

Microgreens sprouts that are loaded with all kinds of natural nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. In addition to having more fiber than regular sprouts, they are packed with a number of other benefits. For one thing, unlike regular sprouts, they have zero calories, and they are low in salt and fat. They are also grown…

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How to Price Microgreens

Price comparisons between eating microgreens and perramuche and guarana tray of dried flowers is apples and oranges scenario. They are very similar in appearance and are sold at approximately the same price. Price comparisons need to be based on quality, not on appearance. Let’s look at the differences in growing microgreens and tray of dried…

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Is Microgreens Goitrogenic?

Are microgreens goitrogenic? Scientists recently announced that they had proven that they are indeed “cancer-fighting” agents, but that they were not toxic to humans. The announcement was made in a scientific publication, which may have been released by a medical journal. No studies on humans have yet been published, and no trials involving humans have…

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When to Expose Microgreens to Light When Growing

When should you expose microgrowths to direct light? Most microgrowths should develop in the dark for at least three to five days prior to being exposed to direct sunlight. Some microgrowths will rapidly grow and need only two to three days without exposure to sunlight. Others microgrowths will grow slowly and will take a few…

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How Well Do You Know Your Plants? Try Pak Choi Microgreens For Your Health Benefits!

One of the coolest vegetables out there is the pak choi microgreen! It originated in Thailand and has now spread all over the world. It is actually quite easy to grow, and is actually edible too! I was thrilled to find this out as I love to eat vegetables but hate having to go through…

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Are Microgreens Nutritious?

Why are microgreens nutritious? That’s a question I get asked a lot from new green-thumbs like me. Microgreens, or mindless green vegetables, as they are also known, are quickly gaining popularity among consumers who are looking for a way to eat healthier while still enjoying tasty food. Why are microgreens nutritious? MICROGreens are safe for…

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