Does My Microgreen Seeds Expire?
Microgreens are very small, green and succulent vegetables. They are found in Mediterranean countries like Spain, Greece, Italy, and France. In the United States, they can be found in California and most states in the eastern and the mid west. The best time to plant them is during late winter or early spring. If you have them before planting them, it is possible to harvest them in the late summer.
The first thing that you need to do is to choose the type of plants that you want to grow. You will not have any problems if you select vegetables like lettuce, beans, carrots, spinach, broccoli and squash. These plants all need similar elements for better growth. The Microgreen seeds do not need fertilizers, soil or extra water as long as you follow the guidelines for planting. Fertilizing your plants is unnecessary because the nutrients are already present in the soil.
You can also plant your plants upside down. This is not recommended because you need to avoid diseases that can be caused by frost. However, you should be careful if the seeds are stored in a refrigerator because they might freeze.
It is best to use a good potting mix that contains a lot of perlite and vermiculite. The best time to plant your seeds is during early spring or late fall. It is important to prepare your environment before you start growing.
One of the main challenges that you should face is to maintain the proper moisture content and the adequate amount of nutrients. Watering should be done regularly to ensure that the roots get all the water they need. The root system should also be protected from extreme temperatures. Make sure that the temperature is around 55 degrees Fahrenheit during the day and around seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit at night.
Microgreen plants are ideal for indoor growing because it is very easy to maintain. You just have to make sure that the soil is moist but not saturated. You have to fertilize it once a month or every other month depending on the size of your plants. When growing these plants, you have to be sure that it has been established before planting it outside.
Your plants will be very sensitive to extreme temperatures. You should avoid exposing them to direct sunlight, especially during hot weather. Too much heat can kill your plants. During cooler weather, you should expose your plants to indirect sunlight. Make sure that the soil is always moist because direct sunlight can kill the root system.
Microgreen seeds can be propagated easily when you have them in your garden. They do not require an incubator when growing. They can be sown in a pot and after you see some healthy plants, you can start harvesting.
Harvesting your plants does not take a lot of work. If you have a dedicated space in your home where you can grow your plants, then by all means do so. Otherwise, you can buy some pots that you can place outside. But if you want to start growing microgreen seeds indoors, then this is very convenient. It is very hard to go out to a garden when you have grown your plants inside.
The other thing that you need to keep in mind is the nutrients. Microgreens require a lot of protein because they are herbivores. They also require a lot of iron. So fertilizing your plant will not be enough to help them grow.
You have to check on them regularly to see if they are growing properly. Check their water levels and their temperature as well. You don’t want them to get too cold or too hot. They also need lots of air and sunshine.
Microgreen seeds are very easy to grow and yield very well. This is one of the reasons why many people who are having trouble with these plants have resorted to planting more seeds. As long as you take good care of your plants, you will be fine. However, if you want to get bigger yields, you should dig them up instead of planting them indoors. Just remember that this type of seeds require a great deal of attention.