Easily Create Your Own Best Microrreens Recipe

Finding the best recipe isn’t as hard as it seems. Microgreens are pretty easy to plant, but how do you know if you’ve chosen the right one? Planting anything new needs a bit of trial and error, and this is especially true for something as small as a plant. Fortunately, there’s a couple things that you should look for in a microgreen recipe before choosing the right one.

The first thing you need to consider when looking for a great recipe for growing microgreens is how the microgreens will be planted. There are different ways you can plant them, but all of them have their advantages. Growing microgreens outdoors is certainly the easiest way, but if you have a small backyard, or you’re growing them inside, there are other options for planting that don’t require as much maintenance.

Most indoor growing microgreens are container plants, although they can also be grown on the ground outdoors. If you’re growing your microgreen plants indoors, make sure you use pots that are large enough to house the plants without folding over. Even if you get a pot with good drainage, your plants may still grow without it, so make sure you’re getting a pot that fits your needs. If you want an outdoor pot, choose something larger than 4 cups, but smaller than twelve cups in diameter – the bigger the pots, the more water they will retain.

Another tip for growing microgreens is to choose an established plant rather than seeds. When you buy seeds at the store, be sure to carefully examine the plant to check for firmness. Smaller seeds will come out easily. If you’re growing larger seeds, such as Amazon red and niger amaranth, it’s best to purchase them from a garden center. Make sure you don’t over-water your plants.

If you’re growing the microgreen plants indoors, you may need to provide a certain amount of light each day, but you won’t need to keep the plants completely enclosed. Most indoor growing plants like bright lights, but some, such as the anemone, prefer indirect light. Try to keep a glass of water on hand, as well. Your plants will love it! Some plants prefer a moist soil, and you can add water regularly to keep your microgreen plants healthy.

Don’t let your plants go to seed if you don’t want them to die. You’ll want to take cuttings from healthy plants and keep them until your are ready to harvest. If you’re growing plants that have already bloomed, don’t cut off the tops; just remove the main stem. Use scissors or a pair of kitchen scissors to trim away any excess leaves and roots.

There’s no need to fertilize your microgreen plants unless you want to. Fertilizing is not needed, but I’d suggest it to help with the growth of the plants. Just add a small dose to your potted plants during their initial few days of growing. Once a month, give all of your plants a feeding. If you’re growing them in pots, be sure to remove any leaves from your plants’ foliage before you start feeding them.

One of the best things about microgreens is how quickly you can enjoy their fresh taste. In only a few days, your microgreen plant will be producing small green shoots and leaves. Within two weeks, you’ll see them expanding and blooming. If you choose, you can keep them in your refrigerator for up to a week or freeze them to take back to your freezer when you’re ready to use them. This way you don’t have to wait for them to defrost before enjoying them. With a few simple steps, you can create your very own best recipe for planting in your own home.