Hamama Microgreens – An Organic, Fresh Alternative to Flourish Greens
If you have never grown your own vegetables or fruit, then you are missing out on an awesome way to experience fresh tasting vegetables and fruits in the comfort of your own home. The gamma microgreens kit makes growing fresh vegetables and fruit easy and hassle free. What you will love most about this kit is how simple it is to setup and utilize. Once you harvested your very first crop using the starter kit, you could continue adding more Hamama MicroGreens to the small growing tray for an always growing and ever-fresh supply of fresh microgreens all season long. As you add to your growing tray, new micro green plants will sprout making your microgreen garden even more versatile and delicious.
The unique and easy to use design of the gamma microgreens kit will ensure that you get the most benefit from every plant you have. Unlike other indoor vegetable growing systems, you will discover that this kit offers a wide variety of micro green varieties that are all grown and harvested in the same growing tray. This allows you to grow a wider variety of greens and microgreens with less work. With the tray being self-satiating, you will not need to concern yourself with food drying out and being trashed during the cold winter months. The self-satiating design also means that your plants will stay healthy through the entire growing season.
The ease of use and maintenance of the gamma microgreens kit makes it a great way to grow your favorite vegetables whether you live in a small apartment or have a spacious home. In addition to being low maintenance, the cost effective price of the kit makes it a great way to save money on fresh food costs. No matter how large or small your budget, you can find a great way to save money on food by growing your own greens. Unlike buying store bought vegetables, the quality and freshness of the microgreens are more consistent with each growing season. You will also discover that the freshness lasts much longer than food purchased from a grocery store.
While the price may put some off, the fact is that you can enjoy the fresh taste of your new garden vegetables without having to worry about storage. With the gamma microgreens kit you can grow six plants at one time. This gives you plenty of room to grow several different types of vegetables. When you are ready to harvest, simply remove the pots and the green tops from the plants. The roots will still remain and will continue to provide nourishment for the next growing season.
You will find that the gamma growing microgreens kit comes complete with everything you need to get started. It includes plastic pots, stakes, planting guides, soil, fertilizer, gardening gloves, and an assortment of seeds. There is even a helpful book that has information on planting tips and advice for choosing the proper plants. The amount of space you have available will help you choose the plants that will thrive in your climate.
The best thing about growing your own vegetables is that you will be able to have tasty meals throughout the year. With the gamma growing kit all you need to concern yourself with is a simple water-based soil and a fine sprayer. You will not have to concern yourself with the tedious task of harvesting or washing vegetables after you have finished with them. If you decide to give the eater’s a snack, it will be simple to just slip the plant from its container and into your bowl of fruit. You will love all of the tasteful foods that can be created with your Micro Greens Kit.
The other advantage of growing your own vegetables is that you will be able to provide healthy, fresh tasting food for your family. There is nothing more rewarding than creating delicious foods for your family, especially when they are as fresh and delicious as the ones you create using the gamma greens kit. When you take the time to grow your own microgreens you will find that the flavor of your greens will improve with age. They will become bolder and add more flavor to your meals. This is exactly what you would expect from fresh, organic vegetables.
Once you have decided that growing microgreens is the right decision for you will need to learn how to properly care for your plants. The first thing that you will need to do is choose a location for your garden. Your garden should be away from areas with direct sunlight. Try to avoid planting in a row as this will create a controlled environment for your plants and it can also make it difficult to harvest your microgreens. Proper care for your plants will allow your vegetables to stay healthy and full of flavor, even after they have been harvested