Harvesting Microgreens
Microgreens and how to harvest them are quite difficult concepts. Yet, it is very important for you to know what kind of microgreens to plant, when to harvest them, and where to harvest them.
Microgreens are usually harvested after they have attained a certain stage in the growth cycle. How much is microgreens ripe? It varies from one variety to another. However, there are common rules and guidelines that everyone should be aware of.
Some microgreens are ripe to the point where they are ready to be harvested while others are not yet ripe for the market. This means that depending on what variety of microgreens you are harvesting, you will not be able to use it until the former is already ripe for the market. However, this doesn’t mean that if you wait till then that you are going to be wasting your time and money because some microgreens that are just about ripe still look good enough for your consumption.
Harvesting microgreens takes place between February and March when the weather in the country is at its warmest. During this time, they tend to grow bigger. Once they reach this stage, they are ripe enough to harvest. If you don’t want to risk your microgreens being spoilt in the transport, you should always wait till the middle of March or at least try to make sure that they reach this stage before the middle of February.
Another issue when it comes to harvesting microgreens is that they will last longer if you start the harvesting process before they reach maturity. Therefore, if you are planning to do it in the middle of the season, plan to wait till they are about four to five weeks old.
Moreover, if you are at the time frame that they are going to be sold by the end of the year, start harvesting early. At this point, they have reached their peak of growth and are ready to be sold. On the other hand, if you are looking for microgreens that will be available all throughout the year, go for those that are still small to avoid disappointment.
When to harvest? Microgreens must be harvested at least two weeks before the time when you plan to serve them. Wait for the last few leaves of the plant to dry. If they are dry before they reach the surface, you should be fine.
Be careful when you are deciding to harvest your microgreens. These are delicate plants and should be handled with care. Although you can harvest them when they are still small, it is better to wait for their appearance to become fully developed.
If the plant has grown large, you may still be able to harvest it without harming it. However, most people tend to prefer to do so at this point because it gives them a chance to see how they look like. Seeing your harvested microgreens can be quite gratifying.
Once you decide to harvest your microgreens, it is best that you take note of your harvest timing. You can use the growing seasons to determine the time to harvest the microgreens. The planting period starts in April, while the maturity period ends in June.
Harvest microgreens at this point in the season when they are still growing and when their appearance is still small. This is to give you the opportunity to determine the quality of the microgreens and see how ripe they are. It is also to ensure that you are saving some for the times when you are offering them for sale.
Harvest microgreens when they are starting to look fully matured. By the way, the maturity period lasts up to four weeks. Harvest them the day they turn yellow and when the edges of the leaves appear white.