Home Microgreen Kit – What Are Home Microgreen Planting Trays?
For anyone who is interested in starting their own kitchen garden and at the same time looking for ways to save money and grow their own vegetables, a home microgreen kit may be a great choice. These kits are easy to use and are a great way to get started growing your own vegetables. In addition, this allows you to taste the fruits of your efforts without having to spend the money on a real edible garden. There are many different varieties of these kits available to choose from, and this article will explain how you can choose the right one for your specific needs.
Before discussing how to begin growing microgreens, it is important to understand what they actually are. Microgreens are tiny plastic fruit trays that can be planted in a garden. Typically, when people refer to growing microgreens, they are either growing vegetables or trying to replicate the look and taste of a fresh garden. While the two are perfectly fine, there are other reasons why you might consider growing microgreens instead of a garden.
The biggest benefit of using microgreens is the ease of use they provide. While explaining how the procedure works, it only takes a few minutes to put a planting tray of microgreens into an empty pot. Once you have the basics down pat, all that’s left is to water the tray and watch as your new veggies start to pop up. You’ll need to water the trays once or twice during the growing process, but aside from that, no other special watering needs to be addressed.
Another big benefit of using microgreens is the space they save. Compared to traditional vegetable trays, which often take up more than half the area of your outdoor garden, these trays are only about five inches square. This means that you have plenty of room for placing other plants or even an ornamental grass, without taking up room that would be used by a large planting tray. Because of their size, microgreens don’t impede on your ability to maintain your garden when it comes to watering or fertilizing.
One major benefit of planting microgreens in your backyard is that they’re easy to get more seeds planted than you would with traditional vegetable seeds. Typically, seeds for indoor gardens take around twelve to sixteen weeks to germinate, while outdoor seeds usually germinate in just four to six weeks. This means that you can get more seeds planted quickly and get better results in a shorter amount of time. There is also less of an environmental impact with home grown microgreens because they are not sprayed with pesticides or other chemicals to keep the plants healthy.
Another way that planting microgreens in your garden differs from planting seeds is that you don’t have to wait for them to sprout before planting them. The microgreen trays can be planted right after you purchase them. You can plant the seeds in as little as three to five days after you receive them, depending on the variety of green you want to grow. Once you have them, you can place them in a sunny and warm location until the seeds germinate and start growing.
Another great thing about the Home Microgreen Kit is that the kit comes with a self-watering tray that you simply attach to the bottom of your garden’s raised beds. You can place the tray under the sun or in your driveway to help them get the moisture they need to start growing. Once the seeds germinate, you simply remove the microgreen planting tray and transfer the plant to its own small drinking tray. With this type of system, you never have to worry about watering or fertilizing your plants, which makes them an even better choice to start with.
There are a number of benefits to growing micro greens in your garden. These trays allow you to control the amount of light and water that goes into the soil, making them a great option if you’re new to gardening. They also help contain pest growth, helping your plants stay healthy and happy.