How Do You Germinate Microgreen Seeds?
How do you germinate Microgreen seeds? It seems like a fairly simple question. After all, a plant looks like a tiny flower when you first look at it, right? Well that is true, but seeds take a while to sprout and can be nearly impossible to harvest if they are not ready the first time. When you are ready to plant your next plant, it is important to follow certain steps in order for your seeds to germinate properly. The steps listed here and explained below, are ones that many new gardeners and farmers use with great success.
First off, you need to know exactly how much water your seed requires. Some seeds will germinate more easily than others. Also, some seeds require more watering than others, so make sure you keep this in mind when considering how do you germinate microgreen seeds. If you are growing seeds for sale, be sure to purchase extra seeds to replace the ones that don’t germinate.
You should also know how much sun or shade your seeds will need. Again, different species of seeds require varying amounts of sunlight and shade. For example, if you plant a seedling that requires full sun, you need to plant that seedling in an area that receives six hours of sun throughout the day. Likewise, if you plant seeds that need less sunlight, you should plant them in an area that receives less shade.
Next, you need to take a look at the place in which you are planting. Make sure it receives enough light, but not too much. If it does not get enough light, the seed might not germinate properly, or the roots could even rot. If you need to have artificial lights or shade during the growing season, be sure to place them where the sunlight can reach the seeds. You can purchase artificial lights at a local garden store.
After you have found the proper location for your seeds, the time to get started is when spring is in full swing. This is a perfect time to transplant the seeds out of their containers. Before planting them, you should water the soil and pay special attention to any weeds. Also, you should mulch the soil around the seedlings to help protect them from any weeds that may try to grow. When the weather conditions become warm, you can then move the seeds indoors to a dark, well-lit room. They should be kept in a slightly cooler environment, rather than direct sunlight, to help germination.
After the summer has passed, you can start your quest in learning how do you germinate microgreen seeds. In the fall, you should go back to the plants you have transplanted and place the seeds back into their containers. If you were successful in getting the seeds started, microgreen seeds will likely have developed and will need to be planted into a pot or seed package. Allow about two weeks for the seeds to germinate before you plant your seeds. Place the package into the soil in your garden and cover the entire surface.
The micro green seeds that you get will produce a very small amount of fruit. However, if you are careful, you should be able to get a crop that is a healthy yield. When the seeds are in a moist environment, they germinate faster than when they are in a dry environment. It takes about eight weeks for seeds to germinate.
Learning how do you germinate microgreen seeds can be a challenge for some people. If you are diligent and follow the steps in the guide, you should end up with healthy plants. Most of the time, you will be able to use the seeds exactly as they come. Some gardeners have reported making mistakes by planting the seeds too early in the year. If you follow the planting instructions to the letter, you should end up with a healthy crop.