How Long Does It Take to Grow Microgreens?

If you are interested in growing microgreens you will find that many tips and tricks are available for you. However, to make sure that your endeavor yields the best results, you will need to follow these tips when growing microgreens. If you follow these guidelines and advice, you will be able to grow your own microgreens at home. Follow the suggestions below to start your adventure with microgreens.

  • Learn about different microgreens you can choose from. Many varieties of microgreens are available. You can either buy them or grow them yourself. If you grow them yourself, it is recommended that you grow them on a larger scale since the insects that can harm the plants can be harmful to your health. However, if you have the resources, you can grow these plants in smaller amounts.
  • The plant needs adequate sunlight and ventilation to survive. Try to install artificial lighting around the greenhouse. This will help keep the temperature inside the greenhouse even and give enough light for the plants to grow.
  • Ensure that you never allow the water to evaporate completely. It is important to keep the water wet to avoid diseases, decay and fungi from forming in the plants.
  • Remember to water your plants regularly, but not too often. Watering is also important to avoid excessive rotting of the leaves. Plants do not absorb the water needed by them as easily as other living things.
  • The microgreens need a lot of air. There should be enough humidity in the air so that the microgreens can survive. This will avoid diseases that can otherwise become fatal to the plants.
  • Always use non-chemical pesticides to prevent the growth of bacteria. Most of the pesticides used today are chemical based and may cause some damage to the microgreens. By using a pesticide-free product, you will be sure that your plants are safe.
  • If possible, choose a soil that has the ability to retain moisture well. Microgreens need moisture to grow and one way to keep the microgreens hydrated is to use a soil that retains moisture better.
  • Microgreens can be quite fragile. Therefore, the seeds should be planted in a pot that is bigger than the expected height of the plants. While growing these plants, do not put the pots on the ground or they will be destroyed by their weight.
  • The microgreens should be fed with nutrients. If possible, feed the plants with fish food and the leaves with bran or flaxseed. Make sure that the food and leaves that you feed the microgreens are free of chemical residues so that the microgreens will not be harmed by them.
  • Microgreens like other plants need a lot of care. They should be kept in a protected environment and only given the nutrients that they need for healthy growth.

Growing microgreens is a fun project that you can do yourself. You do not need to hire people to take care of the plants for you. In fact, there are many steps that you can take to help you grow microgreens in your own backyard.