How to Grow Microgreens in Containers

Microgreens, also known as mini greens or acclimated transplants, are a great way to add an exciting new look to your garden. They are easy to grow, are inexpensive to buy and easy to maintain. But you do need to know how to grow them. This article will show you the how and when of growing microgreens.

Microgreens can be found in two forms, hardy, acclimated mini plants that can be rooted easily into the soil, or soft, less hardy, but more colorful, mini plants that can be placed directly into the container without the use of containers. The hardier varieties are better for indoors where they are sheltered from harsh sunlight and their roots can retain moisture longer. They are a good choice if you are only going to use them outdoors on a occasional basis. The plants tend to be more flexible in that they can be re-pot when the roots are damaged, so they can be moved to different locations more easily.

Planting microgreens is an easy way to introduce small, seasonal flowers to your garden. They are commonly referred to as ‘mini-flowers’. But they are a lot smaller than other annual flowers and can be used in the same way. Growing microgreens takes time, and a few years of consistent planting will produce a nice harvest. If the seeds are put in a sunny location, but not in direct sunlight, they should germinate quickly.

Depending on where you live, the growing season for microgreens may not always be summer. Some climates have cool summers and chilly winters. In those cases, the plants should be planted in the fall, when they will be able to withstand colder temperatures. Even though microgreens are smaller than annuals, they don’t need a lot of maintenance.

Initially seedlings will need to be fed with organic matter. Feeding the seedlings daily with bone meal will help to encourage root growth. Ensure that the compost is mixed well, before the seedlings are planted. Root pruning can be done several times during the growing season.

Certain temperature, watering and light conditions can be determined before planting the seedlings. They will grow well if they are in the right environment. It’s up to you whether to grow them in containers or out in the garden.

You can usually find microgreens at the local nursery or garden center. Many nurseries sell them whole at wholesale prices. Another option is to buy them from your local garden center, or a farmer’s market. They are very popular because they have such a high demand.

Hopefully this article has given you some helpful tips on how to grow microgreens. You can learn to do it yourself, or you can get professional help if you are confident. Either way, you’ll be adding something new to your garden.