How to Grow Microgreens on Tissue Paper
Are you interested in learning how to grow microgreens on tissue paper? Microgreens are a unique variety of green that grows well on a range of different food and wine items. They are often found in organic food stores, and more restaurants are finding that they provide an authentic touch to their dishes. The nice thing about growing microgreens is that they will keep for a very long time, and they will not decompose like other varieties of green. Here are some instructions on planting microgreens on tissue paper.
The first step to growing microgreens on tissue paper is to remove the first leaf on the piece of tissue. You can either skip it or cut it with scissors. It should be quite small, because cutting it too large could result in the plant shrinking, or at least not growing well. It should fit in your palm, if you have one. Make sure it is not so tight that the root cannot fit through.
The second step is to take a sterile needle or pin and prick the tip of the plant. If the tip does not pop out, twist it until it does. This should allow a tiny amount of the plant to be exposed to air. Leave the little root to go down the drainage hole and into the water. This way it will get all of the nutrients and moisture it needs.
The third step for learning how to grow microgreens on tissue paper is to carefully prune the plant into uniform pieces. This can be done by simply cutting the tip off of a very young leaf, or even cutting off some of the petals. When growing them from seed, you need to remove all of the leaves. The best way to do this is to make a cutting in the middle of the plant and then use a pair of scissors to carefully remove the portion of the leaves that are not needed. Keep doing this until the plant is fairly uniform in shape.
For most indoor plants, the fourth step in learning how to grow microgreens on tissue is to keep them relatively moist. You want to avoid letting them sit in a wet newspaper for a long period of time, as this can cause the roots to rot. If they are going to be planted in a sunny window, make sure there is not too much direct sunlight coming through. If they are going to be grown in a pot outside, be sure to water them once every couple of days to keep the soil moist.
Another important tip in growing microgreens on tissue is to be sure to aerate the plant regularly. This means filling the holes with air, and gently removing any excess water with a moistened tissue. If you have a window with an opening, try to get the microgreen to go through that opening. If you have a small pot, gently push the microgreen through the opening. Continue doing this until the plant has gone through all the holes in the top of the pot.
When it comes to feeding your microgreen, you don’t want to use any fertilizers or soil amendments. These can make the plants too dense, and the roots won’t have enough room to grow. However, adding some blood meal will help repel insects. Another helpful supplement to consider when learning how to grow microgreens on tissue is a calcium and magnesium powder.
One of the best things about growing microgreens on tissue paper is that they are very low maintenance. They are not at risk of burning, and they are not at risk of drying out. They won’t need to be watered often, either. They don’t even need to have any dirt on them to grow. All they need is room for a good amount of leaves, and they are ready to grow!