Is Microgreens Safe For Cats?
If you have a pet cat, you may have wondered how are microgreens safe for cats. In fact, it has been studied and found that the plant material, also known as greens or spirulina, is safe for cats and can even help them become healthier and live longer. However, like with any other type of plant, there are some things you should know before giving your cat a supplement of this particular plant material. There have been studies that suggest that eating microgreens can be harmful to humans, but there have also been no reported cases of harm coming from eating the actual plants.
It has been found that cats tend to get the nutrients they need more rapidly from the spirulina rather than from the other types of greens. This makes sense since the plant itself is fast acting and has a higher absorption rate. While this may be true, it is not necessarily true that eating microgreens can cause your cat to become unhealthy.
Just like with most plants, they will need to be taken in large doses on a regular basis in order to be effective. You should also be sure to pay attention to their nutritional needs, especially since they are quite small in comparison to other fruits and vegetables. They will need a good amount of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, and fat in order for them to grow.
Although it is very easy for cats to digest fiber, they are unable to digest fats. As a result, the majority of these plants will provide them with nothing but calories in their form of fat. Many veterinarians have recommended that a good supplement is added to the diet for cats as a way to avoid fatty tissue in the body. It would also help to provide them with extra protein so that they can grow properly.
If you were wondering if these products are safe for cats to consume, then the answer is yes. The only time you should have a concern is when the product contains an excessive amount of fructose. There have been reports of increased occurrences of diabetes in cats that have been fed large amounts of sugar. Since microgreens contain a high level of water and fiber, it would not be a difficult thing for them to convert to sugar in the body.
Since microgreens are so small in size, they are easily able to get stuck in between the teeth of a cat. When this happens, the cat will suffer from a toothache for a period of time until the stuck leafy green is finally removed. Since the cat cannot eat the entire leafy green at once, it is important that you remove it before it causes indigestion in the cat. If you notice that your cat seems to be vomiting a lot more than normal, then it is definitely time to talk to the vet about changing his or her diet.
In terms of side effects, there have been very few reported cases of stomach upset or diarrhea in cats that have been on such diets. Some of these side effects did arise from overfeeding, however. If your cat has not eaten a substantial amount of food within the day, it may take a bit longer for him or her to be digesting the product. Most of the reported cases of gastrointestinal problems came from feeding too rapidly.
The above information should help you determine whether or not the products you are considering are safe for cats to use in their daily diet. There are many other beneficial ingredients that you can use in your own diet, as well. Once you find a solid product that suits your pet’s needs, you can begin to gradually introduce other products. Microgreens are an excellent addition to any cats’ diet, as they provide a high level of nutrition while offering the important benefits of promoting good health.