LED Strip Lights For Microgreens

Best LED Strip Lights For Microgreens: You are looking for a long-lasting, energy-efficient source of lighting for your plantings. You want something that can get you going even if it’s only during the night hours. You need a great deal of illumination, but you don’t want to use a huge amount of energy to do it. You also don’t want your plants to be constantly exposed to direct light, so you’re in favor of using a low wattage lighting source and a variety of different lights to create the proper spectrum of light for successful indoor plantings. Let’s talk about some of the options you have for best LED strip lights for microgreens.

There are a number of different species of plants that will be great candidates for being planted inside the greenhouse. Some of the best candidates for being tried out with this type of lighting are African Violets, Hydroponic Buds, Aquarium Ferns, and Cacti. These plants are used for a variety of reasons, but their favorite spot to be is in a dark, cool location. They can stay safe and warm inside their pots while at the same time getting plenty of light for healthy growing conditions. The amount of light they get from any one source of light will depend on how many lights are on the fixture. This makes it important to use a wide spectrum of options.

The best LED strip lighting for growing microgreens should have several different watts available from which to choose. This way the plants can get the kind of light they need for growing. If they are growing inside the house or room that gets morning sun light, then use a six foot LED fixture with fifteen watts of power. For afternoon sun and evening light use a twenty-five-watt fixture. This will give the right amount of light for any indoor growing need you may have.

It is important to know that strip lights are generally rated in watts. The lower the number, the lesser the wattage of the lighting. Some might argue that it is better to have a higher wattage than a lower number, however, this depends on the growing microgreens you are trying to grow. Many people try to use lights that are too high, which stunts growth and causes them to abort. Some people just go with a good-sized twenty-watt LED strip.

The other issue with choosing strip lights for growing is the cost. When it comes to energy, this can add up. Depending on how much you use your lights, it could cost a lot of money over a year. When considering this, compare the cost of a high wattage bulb with the cost of a compact fluorescent light, or CFL for growing. The amount of light you get is also a factor when deciding what size of LED strip lights to use.

This is where having a multi-watt bulb comes in handy. If you are growing for a limited number of plants, then one twenty-watt LED would be sufficient. If you have more than a few plants, a fifty-watt LED would be more than sufficient. Either way, you are not going to get quite the intensity of light as you would with a standard sixty-watt bulb. The difference between the amount of light emitted and the intensity is determined by the type of light-emitting diodes used in your lights.

LED lights are preferred by many gardeners because they provide an even spread of light throughout the plant growing medium. They also provide the gardener with less of a chance for heat loss from one plant to the next. There are strip lights for microgreens available in both long and short strands. The short strands are for use in pots, while the longer ones are best suited for hanging. Either way, the lights provide the gardener with enough light to make it possible for microgreens to be grown using almost any medium.

If you plan to grow a lot of microgreens in containers, it would be worth it to purchase a sixty-watt LED strip. This will give you a lot of extra power that will ensure that you have plants growing healthy and ready to be harvested when you want them to. The best LED strip lights for microgreens are available online. They can be bought at low prices and sent straight to your door.