Pros and Cons of the Hamama Grow Kit

The Hamama Grow Kit has everything you need for growing microgreens. It’s an easy way to introduce a new plant to your garden without all of the work. Microgreens are tiny, purple, leafy greens, and the perfect plant for growing indoors because of their high water and heat tolerance levels. If you love kale, then it’s a great microgreen to grow as a starter plant for indoor gardens before you become an established gardener. It’s perfect for a tight budget because it’s so easy to grow.

The Hamama Grow Kit comes with everything you need for growing microgreens indoors. The growing tray has holes in it. Place one tray filled with loosely packed soil on the bottom of the Hamama Grow Kit, and add one cup of perlite. This perlite helps hold moisture in your soil. Other growing mediums can sometimes do better with this, but they usually don’t work as well.

The gamma grow kit includes three small packets of seeds, each packed with a variety of sweet pea seeds. These seeds have a light flavor, so you won’t have to worry about overpowering the other flavor in your kitchen. The seeds are simple to use: just slip them into the holes in your tray, and you’re ready to start planting!

The third packet of seeds includes a list of what to do with the sprouts once they sprout. My personal favorite with the gamma grow kit is the fact that you can mix up the amounts of seeds included in the packet based upon how much you want to harvest. You can add extra fresh sprouts when you’re ready to harvest or take the lower amount and reserve it for next year. This is a great choice for people who like to have pretty much everything at their fingertips, and the seeds aren’t that expensive.

The third packet comes with two planting guides, one for winter and one for summer. This is a great kit to invest in if you’re thinking about growing microgreens in your home. The seeds in the kit are very small, so you can get your hands dirty while planting. If you’re growing your microgreens indoors, this would be a great choice. If you’re growing them outdoors, this is a good kit to go with.

All of these parts of the hamamia sprouts growing kit come with easy-to-follow instructions, so all you have to do is follow them to harvest your sprouts. There are pros and cons to each method, as the seeds are small, but seeds can germinate in a damp soil very quickly, making manual sprouter far superior. If you’re growing your microgreens indoors, the hot or cold weather makes manual sprouter far superior, but even then, seeds are very hardy, so this isn’t something you have to be concerned with.

The only con that I can see is that the seeds don’t taste very good. While it’s difficult to grow your own herbs anyway, I imagine that flavor doesn’t have anything to do with how fresh they are when picked off of the sprouts. In other words, it’s more like carrots than microgreens. Unless you’re growing some exotic varieties of radish sprouts, I wouldn’t worry too much about this. If you want to try another type of herb growing, that’s fine, but I doubt that it would make much of a difference in your growing experience.

So overall, while I don’t like calling it a con, I will say that the Hamama Grow Kit does have a few cons that might deter some people from growing their own herbs. Even so, if you can overcome those, the kit is still a very inexpensive way to get started, even without the seeds. So for the little investment, you’ll get a lot of growing fun from your jars of healthy seeds. You just need to get started and grow some plants!