Tag Archives: growing kits


Is Microgreens Healthier?

Are microgreens healthier than fresh vegetables? Well, while microgreens are certainly a step up from their relatives like broccoli and carrots, they’re still not something that should be consumed on a regular basis. And don’t get me wrong. Carrots and other fresh vegetables are great for you. The main issue here is with the farming…

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Which Microgreens Are the Healthiest?

Is Microgreens Bad For You?

Have you ever considered eating microgreens after you have purchased them? While many consumers assume that they are a wonderful addition to any delicious recipe, some people are wondering if consuming them is healthy or not. The good news is that while microgreens may contain small amounts of calories and fiber, the fiber content can…

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Buying Home Microgreens Growing Kit

Buying Home Microgreens Kit is very easy. They are very cheap compared to other types of greenhouses. You can save a lot on initial costs and the plants will reward you with healthier plants, and tasty leaves. There are different ways to buy a quality growing kit. One option is to buy a ready made…

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