Tag Archives: indoor microgreens


Looking For the Best Microgreens for Immune System?

Are you looking for the best microgreens to strengthen your immune system? If you are, there are many choices that are out there. Microgreens come in a variety of different types that include alfalfa, clover, lettuce, mung beans, peas, spinach, cucumber, dandelion, daikon radish, fennel, ginseng, kale, parsley and more. All these ingredients can be…

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How to Find the Best Microgreens For Hydroponics

The best microgreens for hydroponics are specifically designed to work in a hydroponic environment. These specialty vegetables are grown in trays, on glass chips of food grade aluminum and nutrition grade acrylic. They are not exposed to the same fertilizers and pest control methods as you would find in traditional outdoor growing. Microgreens are the…

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How to Grow Microgreens at Home Without Soil?

When considering the answer to the question, “How can I grow microgreens at home without soil?” you will find that there are several important steps you should take. It is important to prepare the area for planting as the microgreens will not grow unless they have the nutrients and water they need to survive. The…

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How Long Do Microgreens Last?

Would it Better to Grow Microgreens in Water Or Soil?

One of the questions that I get asked a lot from microgreen gardeners, home gardeners and those who are more experienced with growing plants, “Is it better to grow microgreens in water or soil?” Microgreens are very small, oval-shaped green plants that come from the same species as cucumbers, beets and even bee balm. These…

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Microgreen Growing Kits

What Happens If You Don’t Harvest Your Microgreens?

Most gardeners have learned that microgreens are much better for their gardens than ordinary vegetables. There are several reasons for this, but the main reason is because microgreens are easier to get at. You can grow your own microgreens at home just as easily as you can get your ordinary spinach from the supermarket. In…

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Can You Eat Watermelon Microgreens?

One of the most common questions about growing watermelon plants is, “Can you eat watermelon minigreens?” The short answer to this question is, “I guess so.” When it comes to eating microgreens, the general rule is that it’s okay as long as you don’t over do it. Miniature watermelons are delicious and quite healthy on…

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