Tag Archives: microgreens


How to Fertilize Microgreens

The pest control industry can make a living off of microgreens and many are selling them to gardeners as part of their monthly garden gardening supplies. Many of the gardens that they sell to have already incorporated microgreens into their gardening design. If you want to increase the amount of microgreens in your garden you…

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Shopping For Organic Vegetable Microgreens

Tips For Buying Microgreens Online Microgreens, or organic vegetables, are a great way to incorporate a vegetable that is high in nutrition and tasty into your diet. Although they are small in size, these vegetables are full of nutrient-rich goodness. Broccoli, kale, and other types of green leafy vegetables make excellent additions to your diet,…

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How To Make Fresh Organic Microgreens

Microgreens are vegetables that have been sliced and mixed with other plants for a more uniform appearance. Usually they have a small leafy shape, which makes them seem bigger than they really are. Many people love these ‘artificial’ vegetables, because they can be enjoyed for as little as thirty minutes before they wilt, just like…

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Microgreens – All Natural or Not?

Microgreens, or arugula, have long been touted as the perfect, all-natural food. All-natural because of their “GMO” status. There are many studies in support of this claim. But I’ve also seen arguments that microgreens and other all-natural foods are really just supplements. In any case, more studies of this type are showing that there are…

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The Health Benefits of Microgreens

The names Microgreens and romaine lettuce are deceiving. In actuality, the two types of lettuce are actually very different. Microgreens are a very tiny type of leafy green vegetables. These greens are cut into very small pieces and even less than an inch long, which makes them perfect for pickling. The small pieces of leaves…

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Harvesting Microgreens

Microgreens and how to harvest them are quite difficult concepts. Yet, it is very important for you to know what kind of microgreens to plant, when to harvest them, and where to harvest them. Microgreens are usually harvested after they have attained a certain stage in the growth cycle. How much is microgreens ripe? It…

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Grow Microgreens in Jars

Microgreens are a fresh-looking version of the lettuce that you are so familiar with. The leaves are generally smaller than normal, which means they tend to be smaller and fresher than their standard commercial counterpart. If you are an avid gardener, or even if you are not, microgreens are a healthy alternative to lettuce, providing…

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