The Best Knife For Microgreens

What’s the best knife for cutting vegetables like microgreens? The answer has often been given as a serrated knife with a heavy cutting plate. Microgreen shoots are much easier to cut through with a sharp blade. The question is, does any of that really matter much in the end? Cutting them through a paper plate or cutting them with a knife that just happens to have a heavy blade seems a little pointless to me.

If you’re growing microgreens, I guess what you care about is the actual quality of your microgreen plant. It seems like the best knife for cutting vegetables that will be able to handle cutting them is the best knife for eating microgreens. But let’s think about this. What is the best knife for eating microgreens anyway? And if we’re only concerned with cutting them, then is the best knife for eating microgreens even necessary?

For eating microgreens, a knife that is good at cutting other things might be all you need. Your microgreen plant has tiny little leaves and stems that can be easily cut through. A serrated knife, with a heavy blade, isn’t needed. You don’t need a sawing motion with these plants. You just need something that will get the job done.

There are two primary considerations when choosing a knife for cutting microgreens. The first is dexterity. If you’re cutting vegetables like spinach and microgreens, your hands will likely be sweaty from washing them after you chop them. A serrated knife won’t be very helpful here because it won’t be accurate with these small pieces.

Another consideration for choosing a knife for cutting vegetables like microgreens is sharpness. How easy are you to cut with the knife? Do you find it difficult to make delicate cuts or hold onto tight edges? This factor affects how well you’ll enjoy having microgreens on your plate.

To test this out, try slicing some microgreens on a paring knife before you buy them. Spin the blades as you would for cutting other thin strips of food. Are they sharp enough for your purposes? The best bet is to get a really good kitchen knife that you know you can use for cutting vegetables. Once you have one of these, look into purchasing some plates for cutting microgreens with.

Plate sizes range widely when it comes to grocery shopping. Are plates made for small pieces of vegetables like microgreens? Or are larger plates appropriate for larger vegetables like broccoli? It might seem like a no-brainer, but the wrong size plate can be disastrous at cutting something you like. For example, large broccoli slices can slide off of the plate as you try to maneuver it.

Microgreen plate options are plenty. These include flat top, domed disc, and even bamboo for those fancy cuts. No matter what type of plate you choose, it’s important to make sure that the knife you get will work for cutting as many microgreens as possible. By doing a little research, you should have a much easier time finding the best knife for a great price.

The first step in preparing microgreen is washing them. This ensures that any dirt or debris will be removed before you begin to cut into them. If cleaning, your vegetables should be ready to cook on your table. Place them on a cutting board or chopping block and begin removing seeds and the skin from them. The more skin you remove from a green, the softer it will be to cut.

You should now have a nice selection of green on your cutting board or chopping block. The next step is to rinse off the vegetables. Place them in a colander and allow them to drain for a few hours. As the microgreens have soaked up water, they should now be ready to be sliced with a knife. You should do this immediately after washing them.

The best knife for microgreens should be sturdy enough to handle cutting them without being too hard or blunt. A serrated edge will work best, as the edges will be much easier to cut through. When you are ready to slice the vegetables, make sure that you pull them very tight so that you don’t rip them as you cut. Once they’re in one piece, you can now lay them on a cutting board or chopping block and slice them in whatever style you choose.

Preparing microgreens is an easy task that you can do in just a matter of minutes. They are healthy, delicious and are definitely worth trying. After you try this recipe for the first time, you’ll wonder how you ever cooked vegetables without this wonderful ingredient.