Tips On Finding The Best Microgreens To Start With
For growing these mini vegetables, selecting the best microgreens to begin with is crucial. They come in many different varieties that will appeal to any taste. Some of them are also easy on your budget. You can even plant them in containers for variety. The important thing is that they have high nutritional value.
Choose what variety of vegetables you want to grow first. The list of microgreens to choose from is pretty extensive. You can begin with fennel, red pepper, broccoli, mustard, tomato, cabbage, romaine lettuce or red cabbage. These are all excellent choices and have high nutritional values. Red cabbage microgreens contain forty times more vitamin C and six times more Vitamin E than a normal mature red cabbage.
Fennel, on the other hand, is full of antioxidants, which are good for your health. It has no bitterness. It also has a wonderful nutty flavor. If you want to start with a lower economic vegetable, then consider growing microgreens like fennel or carrot as it will be cheaper than eating vegetables grown with more expensive vegetables. Just be sure that the soil has good nutrition.
Choose the type of plants you would like to start planting microgreens with. There are many types of vegetables available, and you should choose one depending on the climatic conditions of where you live. There are different varieties for planting microgreens, such as snap beans, snap corn, zucchini, and summer squash. You can also plant winter squash if you live in an area where winter temperatures drop below zero degrees Celsius.
Another important thing is the knowledge on how to plant vegetables properly. In fact, microgreens require a lot of space and you should know how to space them accordingly. You have to space them four to six inches apart, depending on the size of the vegetables that you are growing. Make sure that the containers are made from heavy duty plastic to avoid rot. Also, be aware that planting vegetables outside is not advisable.
Another important tip is to set aside a period, about a week, when you will start feeding the plants regularly. This will ensure that they get sufficient nutrition to grow properly. You should also make sure that the vegetables are receiving all the moisture they need, whether during the day or at night.
When you are looking for the best microgreens to start with, you also have to consider some important things, such as taste, color and texture. As far as taste is concerned, the vegetables should be firm and do not have any sweet taste. Color and texture should also be good and it is best that the microgreens you are eating are firm so as not to lose nutrients during eating. If you have already tried some of the best vegetables available, then it is safe to say that you can find the best microgreens to start with.
So, now that you are armed with the best tips, you are now ready to go out and start your search for the best microgreens to start with. However, before you start planting your first batch, make sure that you have already read up about how to care for the vegetables. Caring for these kinds of plants can take time and effort, but it is worth all the trouble. You have to make sure that you are able to harvest the maximum number of vegetables possible without any defects. So, remember, the earlier you start caring for your vegetables, the more fruits and healthy, delicious and tasty they will turn out to be.
The next tip on how to get the best microgreens to start with would be to get yourself a good pair of garden gloves. This is because microgreens like most other kinds of vegetables need a good deal of attention. Without any protection or clothes, it is just a given that the microgreens will get eaten by predators very fast. A good set of garden gloves is therefore essential here.
Another thing that you should do is to make sure that you are getting the best microgreens to start with. This can be done by going through different sources such as online sources, local stores and farm markets. It is good that you go through as many varieties as possible so that you know which ones are the best ones. One good tip is to ensure that you are only getting certified organic vegetables. These are proven to be much better for your health as compared to regular vegetables.
Another thing to consider is the price of the best microgreens to start with. This is something that you should never forget as this can have a big impact on your decision making. There are some varieties of vegetables that can easily burn your pockets whereas there are some that you can actually shop for at great discounts. However, keep in mind that microgreens should never be your only choice. You should always go for other options as well.